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Everything you wnat to know about X-Ray Diffraction
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Pharmaceutical formulations are available as tablets, capsules, ointments, pills, oral liquids, aerosol sprays, etc. Even a single drug can be found in several different formulations which impart it different characteristics as per administration requirements .In case of solid formulations X-ray diffraction has been used as a non-destructive technique for testing of inconsistencies in manufactured batches, […]
Forensic analysis is a scientific study which assists criminal investigations. Whenever any crime takes place there is exchange of material between the accused and the victim such as textile fibers, blood stains, gunshot residues, broken glass, saliva, semen, etc. Chemical and biological tests on such materials can provide undisputed evidence to nail down the suspect. […]
X-ray diffraction or XRD has made valuable contributions in the field of geology and mining. Geology is the scientific study on structure of planet earth, formation of rocks, sediments and minerals. Mining is an applied science which concerns with extraction of ores, fossil fuels for energy needs and minerals for commercial processing. Minerals are inorganic […]
Cosmetics have been in use since time immemorial. In earlier ages several potentially toxic inorganic pigments such as malachite, mercuric sulphide or white lead were used in cosmetic preparations. In contemporary products several organic components such as parabens, alkylphenols, etc have also been included. It was a common concept that cosmetic products were only meant […]
The growth of our civilization has seen a parallel growth in the food industry. In pre-historic ages humanity was dependent mainly on vegetables, fruits and meat for its daily food intake. However, over the years there has been an increasing demand for processed synthetic foods to cater to the needs of a growing population and […]